Round seven and eight were held in practice teaching 1. As usual in one round there are three teachers who will teach in front of the class. In round seven there were Sely, Diah, and Cahyo. The three teachers taught about procedure text with different skill. Sely taught about listening, Diah taught about speaking, and Cahyo taught about reading. As previous teachers, in this round I got some importance things also. The first one was using video not only the recording in listening section. I think it could attract the students’ attention, so the students would not bore doing the exercise. The three teachers also used group discussion to do the exercise. It was a good idea.
In the last round, there were only two teachers who have taught. They were Bayu and I. Bayu taught about reading procedure text, while I taught about writing procedure text. In my teaching, I began the lesson with a game, I asked the students to make o group of three or four. Then, I distributed an envelope of each group. The instruction was arrange the three components consist of action verb, sequencing words, and ingredients. The students arranged a lot of words which including those three components. The game would lead them to go the lesson. In the main activity, I explained a little bit about procedure text because the previous teachers have explained about it. Therefore, I just reviewed it. After that, I asked the students to practice writing about procedure text. All the students need was filled in the blank consist of ingredients and the steps based on the pictures provided. The words that used in the exercise took from the game which was discussed it before. Then, I asked them to write the answers in the whiteboard one by one. After finished discussed the answers, I concluded the lesson by asking the students. What have you learned today? What did you get from this lesson? The students could answer these questions, and it means that the students have known and understand what I taught in the class. Hopefully, for the next teaching I can improve and manage all the things better.
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