Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

Final Reflection

Finally, Micro Teaching class was over last week. The whole processes teaching were over from practice teaching 1 until practice teaching 3. From teaching the classmates until teaching lower students. I have done to do all of them proudly. It is because of before I join micro teaching class, I was afraid and unconfident to teach in front individually even in lower students. Yet, after done the whole processes of teaching I feel that I improved a lot in this practices teaching.
After done to teach in practices teaching, I feel that I developed in this practice teaching. the development were I was confident to teach in front students whether the students were my classmates or lower students, I can attract the students’ attention by giving the method which make the students interested to join my class, I can handle the classroom environment, such as when my students did not pay attention on my explanation or my instruction. I can attract the students’ attention by giving games in the beginning of the lesson. Therefore, my students will know what they are going to learn at that time. I also can know my students’ difficulties in doing the exercise of my lesson.

Based on my developments above, I think that I had the characteristics of good teacher. At least it can motivate me to be a better teacher in the future. I think that in my practices teaching, I always look for my weaknesses to be improved in the next teaching. I also got some inspirations when my friends doing teaching in front. I observed them, which method that perhaps useful to improve my teaching in the next teaching.

In order to have the characteristics of a good teacher, I did not work by myself to be a good teacher. There are some important roles behind the success of a good teacher. My classmates in micro teaching class who always support and give suggestions to my performances in practice teaching. I think the other my classmates will think as well. I also support and give suggestions to my friends whether they will teach or in their teaching process. I support and give suggestion through write comments when I observed them. I commented on their performances, what still need improve or what work well on their performances. I think it was very useful to improve the method of teaching. It is also useful for me when my friends gave me comment and suggestions on my performances in order to be a good teacher.

When I gave comments or suggestion to my friends, I help them honestly and sincerely. It happened because I think we learn together to be a good teacher. Therefore, a build comment and good suggestion will help my friends and me to be a good teacher in the future.  I was very happy when my friends or my lecturer gave me a build comments on my performances. It because of those comments and suggestions motivate me to improve my teaching method. Hopefully, it will help to bring me to be a good teacher.

After all done the whole processes of micro teaching, I have developed and improved my method in teaching and learning activities. I tried hard to look for the materials which suitable and appropriate to the students. I also can attract the students’ attention by giving games in the beginning of the lesson in order to warm up their brain before join the lesson. I think I deserve to get “A” for the final grade of my micro teaching class. The hardly effort have already done and I have already given the best method and performances in every performance. Comments and suggestions are always welcome to be a better teacher in the future. thank you for everyone who have helped me in practice teaching processes. 

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