Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

Reflection on Practice Teaching 2_round 6 & 7

The last week of final practice teaching 2 was over. There were two rounds which got the last turn in practice teaching 2. In round six we had three teachers who taught in the class. They were Dhimas, Beni, and Nimas. Dhimas was taught about listening for vocational school. Beni was taught about writing for vocational school, and Nimas was taught about reading for vacational school too. From those three teachers I got some important points. They were the methods which were used by those teachers were understandable. Yet, I saw that when Beni taught in the class and he asked the students to do the assignments, some of the students did not want to do the assignment. I thought that Beni should have a strategy if the students behave like this. Beni had authority to remind the students to do the assignment.

The last round was had four teachers who taught in the class. Since the two teacher, Cahyo and J.B. were absent in the day of their teaching. Therefore, in the last teaching there were four teachers, Mila, Detta, Cahyo, and J.B. Mila was taught about reading for vocational school. Detta was taught about writing for vocational school. Cahyo was taught about speking for vocational school, and J.B. was taught about speaking for vocational school too. From the four teachers, I saw that three of four teachers have improved the way the teachers teach. Yet, I saw one of them done the final teaching less satisfied. When J.B. taught in front of class, my friends and I did not know the topic that he wanted to discuss. From the beginning of their teaching, I could not catch what he was teaching in front. Since it happened, the time which is gave to him only 15 minutes. My friends and I were confused about that. Therefore, from this condition I got a point that before I teach in a class, I should think and consider which materials that I will take and discuss based on the topic, and also I have to consider the materials should be understandable and appropriately to the students. 

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