Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

Final Reflection

Finally, Micro Teaching class was over last week. The whole processes teaching were over from practice teaching 1 until practice teaching 3. From teaching the classmates until teaching lower students. I have done to do all of them proudly. It is because of before I join micro teaching class, I was afraid and unconfident to teach in front individually even in lower students. Yet, after done the whole processes of teaching I feel that I improved a lot in this practices teaching.
After done to teach in practices teaching, I feel that I developed in this practice teaching. the development were I was confident to teach in front students whether the students were my classmates or lower students, I can attract the students’ attention by giving the method which make the students interested to join my class, I can handle the classroom environment, such as when my students did not pay attention on my explanation or my instruction. I can attract the students’ attention by giving games in the beginning of the lesson. Therefore, my students will know what they are going to learn at that time. I also can know my students’ difficulties in doing the exercise of my lesson.

Based on my developments above, I think that I had the characteristics of good teacher. At least it can motivate me to be a better teacher in the future. I think that in my practices teaching, I always look for my weaknesses to be improved in the next teaching. I also got some inspirations when my friends doing teaching in front. I observed them, which method that perhaps useful to improve my teaching in the next teaching.

In order to have the characteristics of a good teacher, I did not work by myself to be a good teacher. There are some important roles behind the success of a good teacher. My classmates in micro teaching class who always support and give suggestions to my performances in practice teaching. I think the other my classmates will think as well. I also support and give suggestions to my friends whether they will teach or in their teaching process. I support and give suggestion through write comments when I observed them. I commented on their performances, what still need improve or what work well on their performances. I think it was very useful to improve the method of teaching. It is also useful for me when my friends gave me comment and suggestions on my performances in order to be a good teacher.

When I gave comments or suggestion to my friends, I help them honestly and sincerely. It happened because I think we learn together to be a good teacher. Therefore, a build comment and good suggestion will help my friends and me to be a good teacher in the future.  I was very happy when my friends or my lecturer gave me a build comments on my performances. It because of those comments and suggestions motivate me to improve my teaching method. Hopefully, it will help to bring me to be a good teacher.

After all done the whole processes of micro teaching, I have developed and improved my method in teaching and learning activities. I tried hard to look for the materials which suitable and appropriate to the students. I also can attract the students’ attention by giving games in the beginning of the lesson in order to warm up their brain before join the lesson. I think I deserve to get “A” for the final grade of my micro teaching class. The hardly effort have already done and I have already given the best method and performances in every performance. Comments and suggestions are always welcome to be a better teacher in the future. thank you for everyone who have helped me in practice teaching processes. 

Reflection on Practice Teaching 2_round 6 & 7

The last week of final practice teaching 2 was over. There were two rounds which got the last turn in practice teaching 2. In round six we had three teachers who taught in the class. They were Dhimas, Beni, and Nimas. Dhimas was taught about listening for vocational school. Beni was taught about writing for vocational school, and Nimas was taught about reading for vacational school too. From those three teachers I got some important points. They were the methods which were used by those teachers were understandable. Yet, I saw that when Beni taught in the class and he asked the students to do the assignments, some of the students did not want to do the assignment. I thought that Beni should have a strategy if the students behave like this. Beni had authority to remind the students to do the assignment.

The last round was had four teachers who taught in the class. Since the two teacher, Cahyo and J.B. were absent in the day of their teaching. Therefore, in the last teaching there were four teachers, Mila, Detta, Cahyo, and J.B. Mila was taught about reading for vocational school. Detta was taught about writing for vocational school. Cahyo was taught about speking for vocational school, and J.B. was taught about speaking for vocational school too. From the four teachers, I saw that three of four teachers have improved the way the teachers teach. Yet, I saw one of them done the final teaching less satisfied. When J.B. taught in front of class, my friends and I did not know the topic that he wanted to discuss. From the beginning of their teaching, I could not catch what he was teaching in front. Since it happened, the time which is gave to him only 15 minutes. My friends and I were confused about that. Therefore, from this condition I got a point that before I teach in a class, I should think and consider which materials that I will take and discuss based on the topic, and also I have to consider the materials should be understandable and appropriately to the students. 

Reflection on Practice Teaching 2_round 5

In round five of practice teaching 2, as usual we had three teachers who taught in front of the class. They were Hening, Rian, and Bayu. Hening was taught about speaking for junior high. Rian was taught about speaking for junior high, and Bayu was taught about writing for junior high. The three teachers gave interesting and funny method when teaching in front of the class. Since Hening is a student of 2007, I thought that he was very mastered and fluent when he tried to explain and gave instructions to the students. Yet, sometimes he used Javanese to explain the materials. Therefore, I thought that it was impolite using in classroom. Moreover, he was unconfident to teach in the class, since he often not really serious being a teacher at that time.

Rian was also a student from 2007. I thought that he also had more experience in teaching rather than me. That’s why when he taught in the class, he was confident enough to tech and mastered the materials. It was different from Bayu, I thought that the way he taught was too boring. He could not see the students’ condition, whether the students pay attention to him or not. Moreover, the activity was less attracting the students’ attention. Therefore, I as one of the students did not pay attention to the lesson. 

Reflection on Practice Teaching 2_round 3 & 4

Round four and five have done in this practice teaching 2. In round four, the teachers were Siwi, J. B. and me. Unfortunately, J.B was absent at that time, so there were two teacher who taught in front of class. Siwi has taught about speaking for vocational school, and I have taught about reading for vocational school. When I taught reading for vocational school, I was confused about what materials which were used to teach. I thought that I had to focus on certain topic that related to certain major. I asked my friends to give suggestion what the materials which suitable for my topic about simple instruction. My friends gave me a lot of suggestions to me. Therefore, I decided to take sample instructions for cooking class. In order to get the materials, I searched in the internet what materials that suitable for my topic. I got the materials about how to operate the microwave oven.

In the day of my teaching, I felt that I did sure enough to teach in the final test. I thought that I was not as confident as in the practice teaching 1. However, I had to do it, whether I was ready or not. I taught reading to the students. In the middle of my teaching, I thought that I let it flow according to my plan. Fortunately, the students enjoy my lesson and I can attract their attention by giving them chocolate as a gift. The students were welcome me nicely.

Meanwhile, in round four we had three teachers also to teach in front of class. They were Selly, Yosi, and Diah. Selly was taught about reading descriptive text for vocational school. Yosi was taught about writing descriptive text for vocational school. The last was Diah who taught about listening for junior high. From the three teachers I got some important points that I knew materials which suitable for vocational school in certain majors from those three teachers, I knew the method which suitable for that. I could learn more from those teachers who gave some inspirations if I had to teach vocational school later on. 

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

Reflection on Practice Teaching 2_round 3

Round three has done in practice teaching 2 in this week. As usual in one round there are three teachers who will teach in front of the class. This week the three teachers were Cahyo, Rere, and Pauline. Yet, unfortunately Cahyo was absent at that time. Therefore, there were only two teachers who taught in front of class. Rere taught about reading simple message through a tool. She began the lesson with a game. I think the method was good to begin a lesson, so that the students will know what they are going to learn. In fact, through the game the students knew the material. Me as one of the students enjoyed joining the game, because I think it would lead me to go the lesson. Yet, unfortunately in the main activity I felt bored. The teacher less gave variation style in her teaching. In other words, it was monotonous style. Meanwhile, Pauline taught about listening occupations in the future. I like the way she corrected the students’ answer in the white board, including corrected spelling and wrong pronunciation. I think it was a good idea to give correction on the students’ answer, because the students would know the mistake and know the correct answer. I also felt that the atmosphere was still bored, so that the other students less enjoyed the lesson. 

Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Reflection on Practice Teaching 2_round 1 & 2

Practice teaching 2 has been holding in Micro Teaching class. Practice teaching 2 as the final test in this course. As previous teaching, every meeting there will be one round which consists of three teachers. In round one, there were three teachers who would teach in front of class. They were Fafa, Delis, and Tia. The three teachers taught Junior High School with different materials. Fafa and Delis taught about introducing ourselves or someone else. Meanwhile, Tia taught about reading an invitation. Those three teachers had different style of teaching, but I got some importance things. The first one was using video in listening section, and discussing the answer by watching and listening again to make sure the correct answer from the exercise. Second, practicing speaking with partner in a group, and practiced it again in front of the class. Therefore, the other students could see and know the conversation from their friends. Third, using real example of invitation, so that the students could know the real example based on the students’ daily life.

Yet, as the teacher I have to consider in managing materials which were given to the students and also time. I think that gave a lot of activities to the students would make the students bored joining the lesson. That’s why before I am going to teach, I have to manage the materials and time that I used. It happened in Tia’s teaching. She was still a lot of activities to discuss, but the time five minutes left. As a result, she cut the materials and began to conclude the lesson. Therefore, from this situation I have to manage the materials and time well before I am going to teach in front of the class later on.

In round two there were Carolina, Gilang, and Anggi. Those three teachers taught Junior High School with different materials. Carolina taught about writing invitation, while Gilang and Anggi taught about asking and giving things. As previous teachers, I got some important things like doing a game in the beginning of the lesson. It was helpful to the students. The students would not bore in joining the lesson, and it could warm up the situation in the class.

Reflection on Practice Teaching 1_round 7 & 8

Round seven and eight were held in practice teaching 1. As usual in one round there are three teachers who will teach in front of the class. In round seven there were Sely, Diah, and Cahyo. The three teachers taught about procedure text with different skill. Sely taught about listening, Diah taught about speaking, and Cahyo taught about reading. As previous teachers, in this round I got some importance things also. The first one was using video not only the recording in listening section. I think it could attract the students’ attention, so the students would not bore doing the exercise. The three teachers also used group discussion to do the exercise. It was a good idea.

In the last round, there were only two teachers who have taught. They were Bayu and I. Bayu taught about reading procedure text, while I taught about writing procedure text. In my teaching, I began the lesson with a game, I asked the students to make o group of three or four. Then, I distributed an envelope of each group. The instruction was arrange the three components consist of action verb, sequencing words, and ingredients. The students arranged a lot of words which including those three components. The game would lead them to go the lesson. In the main activity, I explained a little bit about procedure text because the previous teachers have explained about it. Therefore, I just reviewed it. After that, I asked the students to practice writing about procedure text. All the students need was filled in the blank consist of ingredients and the steps based on the pictures provided. The words that used in the exercise took from the game which was discussed it before. Then, I asked them to write the answers in the whiteboard one by one. After finished discussed the answers, I concluded the lesson by asking the students. What have you learned today? What did you get from this lesson? The students could answer these questions, and it means that the students have known and understand what I taught in the class. Hopefully, for the next teaching I can improve and manage all the things better. 

Reflection on Practice Teaching 1_round 5 & 6

Round five and six were held in practice teaching 1. As usual in one round there are three teachers who will teach in front of the class. In round five, there were Mila, Hening, and Anggi. The three teachers taught about narrative based on the schedule. From the three teachers I got some important things which gave me some tricks before I teach later on. Conducting discussion in class was a good idea to help students’ understanding. The three teachers have done with this method. Moreover, the teachers asked the students to work in a group to answer some exercises which are given by the teachers. I think the method which was used by those teachers was really helpful, because the students would not solve or answer by themselves. However, I found unusual situation that when Hening taught and explained the materials, I saw that he less serious in teaching. Moreover, when there was a student who asked a question to him, in fact he asked back to the students. Sometimes, he explained using Javanese to the students; it made the situation in the class uncontrollable. That’s why I less serious when he teaching.

Meanwhile, in round six there were three teachers also who have taught in front of the class. They were Rere, Yosi, and Rian. Those three teachers delivered different the materials. Rere presented narrative text, while Yosi and Rian presented about giving instruction. The three teachers also gave some importance things to me. The teachers also conducted discussion in a group to help students’ understanding. They also gave real example from the daily life, so that the students would understand easily. Sometimes, the students cleverer than the teacher in discussing exercise. It happened in Yosi’s teaching. When she invited the students to answer the exercise, she gave the wrong answer to the students. As a result, the students interrupted her. That’s why it gave me an importance point. I should recheck the materials that will I give to the students, handout, or the correct answer to the students. 

Minggu, 24 April 2011

Reflection on Practice Teaching 1_round 4

Round four have held in practice teaching 1. As usual in one round there are three teachers who taught in front of class. They were Delis, Tia, and Siwi. They presented their own materials according to the schedule. For this week the teachers delivered the materials about showing or expressing sympathy and narrative. Delis and Tia talked about showing sympathy, and Siwi talked about narrative. From the three teachers I got some importance things, such as using video to show a story about “Goldilocks and the Three Bears.” In this listening practice the teacher used video to catch students’ attention. Usually, in listening practice a teacher only uses recording, and the students only get information from the recording. Yet, in Siwi’s performance she tried to make something different and interesting to the students in order to catch the students’ attention. Therefore, the students did not only get the information from the recording but also from picture in the video that was used by Siwi.

This week’s performances more developed from previous performances. I think it because of the three teachers observed from previous teachers, and it was really inspired to next performances. I saw that it worked on the three teachers who have taught in this week. I think that they have given interesting materials to their students, so that I as one of the students enjoyed the lesson which was given by the teachers.

Yet, in 30’ minutes teaching and learning activities I found unclear instruction in a worksheet so that I confused what I should do with the exercise. Therefore, I had to ask to my friends what should I do in the exercise. I think it wasted the students’ time to do the exercise.  

Minggu, 17 April 2011

Reflection on Practice Teaching 1_round 2 & 3

Round two and three’s Practice Teaching 1 have performed in front of class. Round two we had Pauline, Detta, and Nimas while round three we had Beni, John, and Dimas. In round two the three teachers taught writing invitation, listening and speaking recount. The most important things that I got were connected the previous lesson by asking the students about what they have learned, used media like power point to deliver the lesson, gave examples to the students so that the students knew the differences between formal and informal letter, for example. It also happened in round three. I got how to stimulus the students, the teacher should know the students’ condition whether they were tired or bored in joining the lesson. The teacher should give something interest to catch the students’ attention, and it worked in John’s performance even though the students felt strange with John’s strategy. Yet, I thought it necessary needed to refresh the students’ mind.

From round two and three all of the teachers gave many inspirations to me. For example, the materials which are given by the teachers were understandable to students by giving pictures. It motivated the students to follow the lesson well.  

Sometimes I found difficulties in understanding some instructions in some exercises, what I should do with exercises, and it made confusing to the students. Moreover, I had a lot of difficulties in John’s performance. He got materials about reading recount, but unfortunately, he taught writing recount by asking the students to write about recount text based on the topics were given by the teacher. It also made me confusing. 

Reflection on Practice Teaching 1_round 1

Practice Teaching 1 was begun in this session. In the first round, we had three teachers who have taught in 30’ minutes each. They were Carolina, Fafa, and Gilang. All of them had materials about accepting invitation, and formal and informal letter. From those performances I could see that all of them have prepared well to do their best since it was the first progress test. I knew that managed the 30’ minutes in the class was difficult thing and tried to communicate and interact with students was the main purpose in teaching. I could see from the performances, the three teachers have done it. They tried to catch the students’ attention by giving interest materials, and this is what I got. I could learn many things from my friends’ performances, such as organizing a game to lead materials, using picture to involve the students’ participation in the class, discussing the students’ answers in a whole class to assess the students’ understanding, and so on.

Actually, when my friends taught in front of class I could understand and follow the lesson easily. Because I thought that they used media to deliver the materials so that the other students could understand easily. Moreover, they used simple language to communicate with the students so that I as the students could understand the lesson. The three teachers also approached the students when the students did exercises. The teachers asked whether the students had difficulties or not. It helped me to do the exercises, and if I had difficulties I could ask directly to the teachers. It worked.

Sometimes I found difficulties in understanding listening practice, the speed of the conversation was too fast for grade X. I thought that it faster than Standardized Test course even though the conversation was easy, but if the speed was too fast the students would not catch the expected answers. I also found difficult vocabulary attached in handout when talked about formal and informal letter. I thought for grade X it was difficult vocabulary to understand. Overall all of the performances inspired me to do the best to for my practice teaching later on.   

Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

3rd Reflection_Micro Teaching

3rd Reflection…

Yeah… I have accustomed joining micro teaching class. The atmosphere around the class has been different from the previous meetings. I assumed that I could not change my perception about micro class. Fortunately, I could change that. Moreover, after seen my friends’ performance practice teaching in two big groups (15 minutes each) I thought that I had to do as what they have done. I got big motivation to teach and do some practice in my house, and hopefully it will work two days later.

I ever had an inspiration, “if you want to be successful, do what you make afraid in your life” and it became my big motivation in teaching. Practice and practice is the small thing that I have to do. Hopefully, it will work to me.

2nd Reflection_Micro Teaching

2nd Reflection…

After several meetings of micro teaching class, I saw some changes happened in the class, especially the atmosphere around the class. I saw that some students have been enjoying joining the class. They felt comfortable when my lecturer, Mr.Prast  explained the materials to his students with his special style like giving a joke in the middle of his explanation. That’s why I decided to join the micro class, because it can be a basic to develop the teaching strategies before I face to the real students in the next semester.

Honestly, joining micro teaching class makes me have feelings such as, afraid to teach in front of the class, speechless, and nervous of course. Meaning to say, I always have the same feeling when joining micro teaching class. However, ready or not, now or never, I have to do this.  I have to practice teaching in front of the class. That’s way self-motivation is important to build self-independent to me.

In the several meetings, I got many advantages in micro teaching class which is very useful to me in order to build motivation in teaching. Learning is a process from not knowing become knowing, and I got some advantages based on the inspiration. I have known how to set induction and set closure in a lesson, how to stimulus students by giving interesting method that can involve the students’ participation, how to attract the students’ attention, so on. All of them are very useful as the basic to start in teaching and learning activity, and I began to enjoy this class.
Happy teaching……

Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Lesson plan CBLL_Teaching a Procedure Text

Teaching a procedure text
for 1st grade junior high school

·               A teacher explains to the students what they are going to do and give some explanations about a topic that they are going to discuss.
·               The teacher explains about a procedure text and the generic structure of the text.
·               After that, the teacher introduces the students about blogs.
·               The teacher explains how to use the blog, its function, and the benefits of the blogs.
·               The teacher gives the students example how to use blogs step by step.
·               After the students known how to use the blogs, the teacher gives examples of procedure text in a blog.
·               The teacher asks the students to make a group of three.
·               The teacher asks the students to  make a simple procedure text based on their daily life.
·               The teacher asks the whole class to comment, suggestion, or  correction in their friends’ assignment on the blog
·               After the students done the exercise, discuss together in a whole class.

Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

1st Reflection_Micro Teaching

Firstly, my first impression about Micro Teaching class is a frighten course, because as I know in this course I will begin to teach in front of a class and PBI’s junior students. It makes me a little bit afraid when I join to the class, because this is the first experience to teach in English in front of the class. Nervous, afraid, and speechless always exist in my heart when I will join the class. I thought that every meeting the students are asked to come in front to teach directly without any explanation first from my lecturer, Mr. Prast.

First meeting was over, and my impressions about Micro Teaching course were wrong. In fact, the students were given explanation from my lecturer such as how to open and close a lesson (set induction and set closure), how to stimulus students in a lesson, teacher movements, teacher gestures, etc. From my lecturer’s explanation I got some important things that I had never known before. For example, if I got a question from a student and I did not know the answer, and then what should I do to answer the question? In fact there are some tricks to answer it, and it will very helpful if I had a situation above.  My lecturer also explain about how to get the students’ attention; how to handle the class, etc. Those explanations were given until meeting four, and it was very useful for me. I could know and understand what I should do if I had a situation in a class.

I realized that those tricks and the things that a teacher should do in a class were not easy, because nervous and speechless might exist when began to teach. Therefore, in Micro Teaching class there are teaching practices to develop and practice how to teach and face some students in front of the class before face the real students in a real school in the next semester. Yet, based on my experience when I was in senior high school there were some teacher who teach monotonously, for example the teacher only explain and explain without pay attention whether the students pay attention to the lesson or not, and sometimes the students felt bored with the teacher and the lesson. This situation should be avoided to a teacher, because as a teacher deliver a lesson to the students is important, but the most important thing is the teacher should care to the students, in this context the teacher can read the situation in a class and see the students whether they understand or not. Therefore, after the teacher finish give the explanation the teacher should give a question to the students, for example “Is it understood? Is there any questions?” It is to make sure that the students pay attention to the lesson or to measure the students’ understanding. As a result in a class there is an interaction between teacher and students.